Gazetteer of the Lahore district 1883-84

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Sang-E-Meel Publications
The period fixed by the Punjab Government for the compilation of the gazetteer of the Province being limited to twelve months, the Editor has not been able to prepare any original matter for the present work; and his duties have been confined to throwing the already existing material into shape, supplementing it as far as possible by contributions obtained from district officers, passing the draft through the press, circulating it for revision, altering it in accordance with the corrections and suggestions of revising officers, and printing and issuing the final edition. The material available in print for the gazetteer of this district consisted of the Settlement Reports, and a draft gazetteer compiled between 1870 and 1874 by Mr. F. Cunningham, Barrister-at-law notes on certain points have been supplied by district officers; while the report on the census of 1881 has been utilized. Of the present volume, section A of Cap III(statistics of population) has been taken from the census report; while here and there, and especially in the matter of ancient history, passenges have been extracted from Mr Cunningham’s compilation already referred to. But with these exceptions, the great mass of the text has been taken almost if not quite verbally, from Mr Steedman’s settlement report of the district. The draft edition of this gazetteer has been revised by Colonel Beadon and Harcourt and Mr. Messers. The Deputy Commissioner is responsible for the spelling of vernacular names which has been fixed throughout by him in accordance with the prescribed system of transliteration. The final edition, though completely compiled by the Editor, has been passed through the press by Mr. Stack.