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Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications
Sultan-ul-Faqr Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo is the most popular and eminent Saint of South Asia. He is known in the whole world for his beautiful mystic poetry. Much work has been done upon his life history, however, there were some contradictions in the work of different researches. Many things needed clarification and many aspects of his life were not researched upon fully. Sultan Bahoo is the leader of all Saints and Sultan of Knowers of Allah. His highest caliber demands that his life history and struggle to spread the true religion should be saved in proper and complete form. Moreover, his lovers and devotees want to know each and every detail about him. So, his spiritual descendant and the current Spiritual Leader of his Sarwari Qadri Order1 Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Khadim Sultan-ul-Faqr Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman proceeded the research upon his life. He has not only clarified all the contradictions by comparing the work of earlier researchers and then giving the actual facts with proofs and proper references but has also unveiled many aspects of the life of Sultan Bahoo which were hidden yet. His literary work which is in Urdu and titled as “Sultan Bahoo” has been translated here in English for those who are not acquainted with Urdu. Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman has done a lot more work upon the life and teachings of Sultan Bahoo. His book Shams-ulFuqara is an encyclopedia of the teachings of Sultan Bahoo and contains the essence of all the books of Sultan Bahoo. Its abridged English version is titled as “Sultan Bahoo-The Life and Teachings”. His another book “Mujtaba Akhir Zamani” is the detailed account of the life histories of Sultan Bahoo and his spiritual descendants who are the Spiritual Leaders of his Sarwari Qadri Order after him. It has also been translated in English by the title “The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order”. In addition to these books, he has launched websites and which are solely about the life and teachings of Sultan Bahoo. Many other websites have boon launched under his supervision all of which are based upon the teachings of Sultan Bahoo. His monthly magazine “Sultan-ul-Faqr” also preaches the teachings of Sultan Bahoo. Hence, it can be rightly proclaimed that Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the true spiritual descendant of Sultan Bahoo who is working hard to promote his teachings and his Sarwari Qadri Order. Although, lives of all great men contain inspiration and guide the masses on the path of success, but the life of a Saint bears light of guidance on The Divine Path which is the path of salvation and eternal success. So, the biography of Sultan Bahoo should be read with devotion, not only to enhance knowledge about him but also to seek the path of righteousness from him.
sufism, islam, Sultan baho