District Gazetteer of Jehlum District 1904

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The Civil and Military Gazette Press
The Materials for the revised edition of the Jhelum Gazetteer were collected during the Settlement operations in the district ,which ended in 1901 .The Gazetteer was originally drafted in 1902, but circumstances prevented its being printed at once, and the time that it became convenient to have this done in 1904, the Government of India had issued orders making radical alterations in the arrangement of District Gazetteers, and to some extent in their subject-matter also. A. complete re-arrange-ment of the draft was therefore carried out, and a second partial revision was rendered necessary by subsequent orders. For the last 1.5 year the -volume has been in the Press. This explanation is given to account for certain defects that will be noticed: the .arrangement is in places faulty, there is great want of uniformity in the dating of the information given in different sections and there are other shortcomings. It would have been better to re-write the whole volume, bringing every part of it up to date: but holding an appointment outside the Punjab, with heavy duties of its own, 1 had neither time nor opportunity for doing so. The statistical parts of Chapter I, Section C, were supplied by the Superintendent, Gazetteer Revision, Punjab: and Chapters III and IV, except the section on Land Revenue, have been compiled almost entirely by Mr. B. H. Dobson, I.C.S., Assistant Commissioner. For the rest of the volume I km responsible. The former Gazetteer has naturally been drawn upon to a considerable extent, but comparatively little of the old volume could be unaltered. The Historical section, Chapter 1-B, and the remarks on the different tribes at pages 88 to 129, are amongst others almost wholly. New, or rather newly compiled. A. copy of the former, with annotations by Dr. M. A. Stein, has been placed on record in the District office, and should be referred to when the Gazetteer is next revised; Dr. Stein's observations were received too late to be fully used in the present volume. Copious extracts have been made from Mr. J. Wilson’s recent Gazetteer of the Shahpur District; these are usually but not invariably, acknowledged where they occur. A number of plates containing reproductions of photographs, intended to illustrate the scenery and antiquities of the District, are issued in a separate volume, of which about 250 copies are available. . At the time when these illustrations were printed, the size prescribed for Gazetteers was foolscap; and it was not considered worthwhile to reprint them.