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Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications
Kashf-ul-Asrar, literally means “Revelation of The Divine
Secrets”. As the title implies, this subtle treatise is a collection of
revealed Divine Secrets, described in a very precise and compact
manner. This small but great book by the most eminent Saint of
Punjab, Pakistan, Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo is a proof of his
literary faculty and command over words in addition to his
expertise as a Divine Scholar.
The writing style of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo in this book is
entirely different from all his other writings. He describes a
whole essay in one or two words. This book precisely contains
the entire Divine Knowledge specially the knowledge of the
access to The Divine World, keeping oneself away from the
fraud guides and their deceitful ways.
Translating Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo’s book is an honour
granted to me by my Murshid Khadim Sultan-ul-Faqr Hazrat
Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman Madzillah-ul-Aqdus
who is the spiritual descendant of Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo
and the 31st Shaikh of his Sarwari Qadri Order. For this
translation he provided me the original Persian text of Kashf-ulAsrar
which is a manuscript written by Mohammad Shahbaz in
1341 H (1923 A.D). There is another manuscript available
written by Gul Mohammad Sindhi in 1323 H (1905 A.D).The only English translation of Kashf-ul-Asrar till date is done
by Zaheer which he did not do directly from the Persian text but
from the Urdu translation of Kashf-ul-Asrar done by K.B
Naseem. This English translation is also available on internet but
without the original Persian text of Kashf-ul-Asrar.
I am truly thankful to my husband Mohammad Moghees Afzal
Sarwari Qadri who cooperated with me a lot while doing this
translation and gave me very good suggestions. I also thank Mrs.
Yasmeen Khurshid Malik Sarwari Qadri who reviewed this book
and gave suggestions to improve it. I must also thank Ahsan Ali
Sarwari Qadri who put a lot of hard work to compose this book.
May Allah grant perseverance to them on the path of Faqr and
bless them with His Closeness (Amin).
All the books of Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo contain Divine
Message for the whole Ummah of Prophet Mohammad. So it
must be transmitted to the Muslim Nation in a language which is
commonly understood in the whole world i.e. English. Muslims
are facing decline in all the fields of life which is certainly the
result of their religious and spiritual downfall. It is need of the
time to call them towards the true spirit of Islam, for which
Khadim Sultan-ul-Faqr Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najibur-Rehman
Madzillah-ul-Aqdus has taken many vital steps. Many
websites in Urdu and English have been launched under the flag
of his Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr to convey the teachings of our Sufi
ancestors. These teachings contain the essence of real Islam and
elevate the spiritual level of their readers and followers.
Translating Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo’s books is also a link of
this chain.
May Allah grant awareness of The Right Path to the readers of this
book and create in them The Divine Love and the passion to
have The Vision and Closeness of Allah. May this book also
become a source for the Seekers of Allah to have Divine.
sufism, islam, KASHF-UL-ASRAR, Sultan Baho